
102: EIS is 30! Discussing the past, present and future of the scheme | Christiana Stewart-Lockhart of the EIS Association

05 Sep 2024 / Podcast Tax Advantaged

By Dr Brian Moretta


The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) is now 30 years’ old! To celebrate, we asked Christiana Stewart-Lockhart, Director General of the EIS Association, onto the podcast to discuss the past, present and future of the scheme.

In a wide-ranging discussion we talk about:

  • The founding of EIS;
  • The progress it has made;
  • What has made it so successful;
  • Renewal of the scheme and the efforts underpinning it;
  • Why EIS is still not as well known as it should be;
  • How awareness could be increased;
  • The progress with improving diversity and regional investing;
  • The effects of the recent changes to SEIS limits.

Christiana brings together both the big picture on the importance of the tax advantaged schemes and the small scale that each company and investor represents. It’s a great discussion – enjoy!

PS This was recorded before the recent Treasury announcement that the EU has approved the extension of EIS.

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Christiana Stewart-Lockhart is the Director General of the Enterprise Investment Scheme Association (EISA). She previously spent more than a decade working in Westminster including ten years at the Institute of Economic Affairs. She also founded EPICENTER, a Brussels-based network of some of the most respected think tanks from across Europe. Christiana holds a BA in Politics from the University of York. She is a member of TISA’s Children’s Financial Education Policy Council and also sits on the Advisory Board for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Entrepreneurship.