
29: An advisor’s perspective on making EIS and VCT investments | Stephen Jones of Clear Solutions Wealth & Tax Management

13 Jul 2021 / Podcast Tax Advantaged

EIS and VCTs have been described by several guests as one of finance’s best kept secrets, which makes the job of advisers challenging when they recommend them. Stephen Jones has a lot of experience dealing with these, and has won several awards for the quality of his services in the tax-advantaged area.

We had a really good discussion which will be split over two episodes. In this one, Stephen talks about the framework that he uses for giving advice and how and where tax-advantaged investments fit into that. We discuss some of the issues around suitability and how to choose between EIS and VCTs. We also talk about product selection at a high level, but will dig into that more in next week’s bonus episode.

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Stephen Jones founded Clear Solutions Wealth & Tax Management in 2005. The firm delivers holistic financial planning, utilising tax-efficient solutions to both mitigate existing tax liabilities and reduce the impact of future taxation. Stephen remains one of relatively few planners who has attained the accolades of Chartered Financial Planner, Certified Financial Planner and Fellow of the Personal Finance Society. Among other awards, in recent years he has twice won Financial Adviser of the Year at the Growth Investor Awards, as well as EISA Financial Planner of the Year. He has also featured regularly on BBC Radio and appeared on national television as an expert financial planning specialist. He continues to be a long-term regular columnist for ‘What Investment’ magazine. He was the first IFA to be appointed to the Main Board of the Enterprise Investment Scheme’s Association – the leading trade body for Enterprise Investment Schemes.

Website www.clearsolutionsifa.co.uk
Phone + 44 (0) 1283 730080


Please note this podcast/interview does not constitute a financial promotion and is provided for informational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation or offer to buy or sell any investments. Please be aware that investments into unquoted companies are high risk, long term and illiquid investments.  Your capital is at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.  Target returns are not guaranteed and forward looking statements are illustrative only and must not be relied upon. Investors should only invest on the basis of reading the full offer documentation. Listeners must make their own independent decisions and obtain their own independent advice regarding any information, projects, securities, tax treatment or financial instruments mentioned herein.