
41: An all-star panel looks back on EIS & VCTs in 2021 and into 2022

28 Dec 2021 / Podcast Tax Advantaged

While 2021 wasn’t quite as dramatic as the previous year, it was still an eventful one. The EIS navigator team have got another all-star panel to discuss what happened: Mark Brownridge, Director General of EIS Association, Neil Cole, Head of Wealth Planning Solutions at UBS Wealth Management, and Kealan Doyle, Director of Symvan Capital join Brian to pick through the debris of 2021 and the prospects for 2022.

We chat through what’s happened in fundraising, including the recent surge in demand for VCT offers. We also talk about the challenges of deploying all this money, particularly with valuations being so high. We also cover the normalising of ESG, how platforms look after the Kuber failure and get the panel to make some predictions for 2022. Finally, we ask Mark to look back on his term as Director-General and what challenges the new DG will face.

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Visit the EIS Association website here.

Visit the Symvan Capital website here.

Visit the UBS Wealth Management website here.