
97: How to master the financials to create success in SaaS | Anthony Nitsos of SaaS Gurus

11 Jun 2024 / Podcast Tax Advantaged

By Dr Brian Moretta

SaaS Gurus

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) founders rightly focus on their product and market, but sound finances underpin any success. Anthony Nitsos founded fractional CFO business SaaS Gurus after working on a couple of successful exits. He has seen the inside of many SaaS businesses so has lots of experience in developing good practice and seeing the mistakes that founders make. In this episode, we tap into that knowledge.

Amongst other topics, Anthony discusses:

  • Balancing different financial metrics;
  • Sensible gross margin targets and when companies should be hitting them;
  • Changes in SaaS valuation multiples;
  • The value of market expertise in generating success;
  • Sales cycles and how they differ in B2B and B2C;
  • Finding the right first sales person and who the next recruits should be;
  • When to bring in a CFO (and it’s earlier than most think);
  • The value of benchmarking;
  • The difference between finance and accounting in companies;
  • How to prepare for an exit.

It’s a great conversation, with Anthony bringing lots of insights from his vast expertise for founders and investors alike.

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Measure What Matters by John Doerr


Anthony Nitsos, Founder and CEO of SaaS Gurus, has worked with various startups, including two unicorn exists. Working with pre-seed to Series B stage SaaS startups, he aims to ensure that founders have reliable metrics and a solid understanding of the true economics of their business to maximize valuation. He optimizes financial operations, sales operations, human resources operations, and risk management systems.