
Dr Brian Moretta on alternative investment planning

13 Sep 2018 / Tax Advantaged

Dr Brian Moretta, Head of Tax Enhanced Research, invited to speak on alternative investment planning panel at Money Marketing Interactive Harrogate for advisers.

Money Marketing Interactive Harrogate is a yearly event designed for IFAs, owners and directors of advisory businesses. It is aimed at financial professionals seeking the answers to big challenges and questions facing the financial advice community and is known for its interactive nature, with numerous workshops and panel discussions.

This year we were invited to join Mark Brownridge, Director General of EIS Association in a panel discussion on alternative investment planning, specifically talking about VCT and EIS products, and requirements for advisers to carry out necessary due diligence on these investments.

He was also joined by Daniel Rodwell, Managing Director of GrowthInvest and Andrew Aldridge, Partner & Head of Marketing at Deepbridge Capital.

For more information, please visit: http://mmi.moneymarketing.co.uk/