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Severn Trent

Severn Trent Water is one of the largest of the 10 regulated water and sewerage companies in England and Wales. They provide high quality services to more than 4.3 million homes and businesses in the Midlands.

Severn Trent (SVT) is one of 10 water companies privatised in 1989, of which just three remain publicly quoted. SVT supplies 4.3m homes and businesses with clean water and sewerage services. Its base is in the Midlands; following the acquisition of Dee Valley, it now has a Welsh business, Hafren Dyfrdwy. The water sector is now in the throes of a key price review – the new pricing formula will apply as from April 2020. Ofwat has awarded ‘fast-tracker’ status to SVT, enabling it to secure a better deal than its peers – a dividend cut in 2020/21 is possible. Re-nationalisation by an incoming Labour Government is also a risk.

Market: Main

Ticker: SVT


Lead analyst: Nigel Hawkins

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