
Dr Brian Moretta on Estate Planning and IHT

27 Sep 2018 / Tax Advantaged
Burford Capital

Our Head of Tax Enhanced Services, Dr Brian Moretta participated in a panel discussion on estate planning and IHT:

  • “…inheritance tax is unusual in that there is more ways of not paying it…that’s created a lot more interest, particularly in Business Relief…”
  • “I doubt that the [Autumn Budget] will make much difference. Business relief is at the time of the claim i.e. when the person dies…if the Chancellor so decided to change the [rules]…then the onus on the adviser is to make sure whatever investment you are recommending, it stands up on an investment basis, not just on tax relief.” Advisers need to ask the question: “…are we making a good investment for the client here?”
  • “…diversification…you can enhance capital protection by having exposure to [different strategies]…”

View the episode and register with GrowthInvest

We have launched our new Business Relief panel service for advisors, you can find out more about it here.