
The value of a Hardman EIS review

09 Apr 2021 / Tax Advantaged

The growing importance of the EIS market

The EIS market is growing in importance in both investment and financial planning. It is a vital vehicle in the government’s strategy to attract investment into exciting young companies, which will create jobs and generate taxes. Many of these businesses will have the potential to generate outstanding returns for investors, but of course there are always risks associated with early stage, rapidly growing companies.

EIS was called an ‘outstanding success’ in the Conservative election manifesto in 2019, but there is room for much greater growth.

With the pension lifetime allowance frozen for several years ahead, EIS is increasingly seen as a viable alternative.

Hardman & Co EIS reviews offer a valuable insight into the market. Register now to receive our reviews for free.

The importance of the right review

Independent reviews have become ever more vital in the process of due diligence and compliance checking of EIS providers. That is why it is so important to choose the right reviewer: one who understands not just the products, but also the market and business context that they operate in.

The Hardman difference

Hardman & Co’s reviews are uniquely different from any others in the market.

Assured quality

Hardman & Co has been reviewing companies and funds for over 20 years. There really is no substitute for this depth of experience.

Depth of expertise

Our reviews are supported by a team of 15 expert analysts that cover all market sectors. This means we can give real insight into market trends, and the context of the investments made.

Free to advisers

The Hardman EIS reviews are the only ones in the Tax Enhanced market that are free to advisers. They are ideal for advisers who are already offering EIS to their clients, as they can help IFAs review how these funds are doing now, as well as introducing new funds to facilitate manager diversification.

They are also ideal for advisers new to the EIS market, as they can obtain high quality reviews absolutely free and without the need to sign up to an ongoing subscription.

Additional services

In addition to these individual reviews we also offer the independent creation of bespoke panels of products that are tailored around the risk profiles of your clients.

Register now to receive your free EIS reviews.