
48: How to start your first Venture Capital fund | Richard Hoskins of Kin Group

05 Apr 2022 / Podcast Tax Advantaged

By Dr Brian Moretta

Start first VC fund - Richard Hoskins podcast

The venture capital industry has seen a steady flow of new entrants over the past few years, whether EIS or GP/LP funds. Richard Hoskins of Kin Group speaks with almost all of them and discusses the challenges and pitfalls for those who want to start a new fund or invest in one.

We start by discussing the current environment. We talk about the people who want to start funds, what their motivations are and what they usually bring to the table. Richard talks about how these people are really building a new business and the challenges of differentiating themselves.

We also talk about some of the specific areas that can be challenging. Raising funds is at the front of many people’s minds and Richard has some insights into how the current environment means that it may come from unexpected directions. We also dig into the importance of high-quality deal flow and how new managers might establish and improve it.

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Email: rhoskins@kin-group.co.uk


Kin Group

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Richard Hoskins is Co-Principal and Co-Founder of Kin Group. Having worked in Venture Capital for 17 years, he has seen the Venture industry move from the niche sector it once was, to the booming asset class it is today. He has worked in a variety of VC roles, including fundraising, fund management and fund administration. He has been described as “one of the most knowledgeable commentators on the venture capital world” (Telegraph, 2017). In particular, he has helped numerous aspiring VC asset managers setting-up their first VC fund and assisted larger VC asset management firms grow to the next level.


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