
The Monthly: January 2019

11 Jan 2019 / Corporate research

January feature article:

Hardman & Co Healthcare Index – Review of 2018

By Hardman & Co Life Sciences Team

The Hardman & Co Healthcare Index (HHI) has been running since 2009. Its main function is to highlight the attractions of life sciences investments over the long term. 2018 was a difficult year; however, the index still outperformed its comparative London indices, falling 10.0% to 393.2, compared with -13.0% and -18.2% for the Allshare index and the AIM index, respectively. Furthermore, several (17) companies in our index increased their capital base – 15 of our 50 constituents raised new funds, two issued shares as part consideration for acquisitions, and two had share buybacks – all factors that influence the performance of the index. Even allowing for both capital increases and share buybacks, the 12.5% fall in the index still represented a modest outperformance compared with the decline in the Allshare index. With active industry consolidation, shareholder returns remain attractive.

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