
In our initiation, we highlighted that NBPE is uniquely focused in the co-investment sector of PE. This sector has especially appealing return, cashflow, asset selection. risk management, and GP access characteristics. NBPE announced interim results to end-June on 25 September. Net assets were $1.3bn, with NAV per share of $27.87 (£22.05) and a return of 1.0% in 1H’24. Performance was driven by a 4.3% increase in private company valuations (ex-FX), partially offset by quoted holdings and foreign exchange headwinds. Positive private company operating performance continues with 11% average LTM revenue growth and 16% LTM EBITDA growth (including M&A).

  • Other issues: $72m was invested in 1H’24 and $126m of proceeds received. 1H’24 dividend of $0.47 per share was paid in February 2024. There was $386m of available liquidity. The interim results report a higher NAV than the June factsheet, which includes prior-quarter valuations received from the GPs.
  • August factsheet: NAV p/sh was $27.44 (£20.88), a total return of 0.1% in the month. Performance was driven by a 1.4% quarterly uplift in private company valuations (ex-FX), offset by negative FX adjustments of 0.2%. YTD NAV TR of 1.2%. $73m invested YTD. $390m of available liquidity at 31 August 2024.
  • Valuation: The 25% discount is in line with most direct peers (average 25% exc. HGT), but it rose sharply in 2022, to well above historical levels (10%-15%). We detail in our thematic notes what may lead to a rerating back to these levels. The discount appears absolutely and relatively anomalous.
  • Risks: Sentiment to costs, the cycle, modest residual positions in highly rated listed companies following IPOs in 2020-21, the duration of the discount and valuation are the key issues for NBPE, as they are across the whole listed PE sector. However, they are sentiment issues, and do not reflect reality, as we see it. The benefits from the current strategy may not yet be fully appreciated.
  • Investment summary: With 97% of the portfolio invested in direct equity, co-investments, NBPE is the most focused listed vehicle in the low-cost, attractive co-investment subsector of the long-term, market-beating PE sector. The company and GP selection have proved resilient in downturns, and continued premiums on exit should give investors comfort in the NAV. Its portfolio is diversified by name, sector, GP and geographically, but it has enough concentration for individual investments to add value. The discount is anomalous with long-term, market-beating returns.
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