
Dr Brian Moretta

Head of Tax Advantaged Research & Investment Analyst

Brian Moretta is the Head of Tax-Advantaged Research at Hardman & Co, and also covers Financials stocks and Investment Funds.

In addition to his role with Hardman & Co, Brian has lectured on actuarial science and financial economics at Heriot-Watt University, is an examiner for the Faculty & Institute of Actuaries, and is on the Bankers without Borders Financial Modelling Reserve Corp.

Brian has had a 20-year career in Financial Services, including more than a decade as a fund manager. He specialised in analysing Financial Services companies at SVM Asset Management, as well as managing two traded endowment funds, an equity fund and working on hedge funds.

Brian joined Hardman & Co in February 2013. He holds a PhD in Applied Probability and a BSc in Actuarial Maths and Statistics from Herriot Watt University.