
The Seneca EIS Portfolio Fund invests in a mixture of unquoted and AIM-listed companies that are scaling up. It has a target return of 2x capital (before fees) and typically provides 5-7 investments in each portfolio. The fund has been running for over a decade and the management team has been in place for some time. Seneca has achieved a good number of exits over the past decade, taking advantage of liquidity on AIM when appropriate.

Why invest


  • Strategy: Exposure to a portfolio of growth companies, split roughly equally between unquoted and AIM-listed investments.


  • Diversification: Lower than many established EIS funds.


The investment manager


  • Team: Has a wide range of experience, with particular strengths in accounting and corporate finance.


  • Size: Seneca runs a lean team – while it seems adequate for its current level of activity, it is smaller than others of similar scale.


Nuts & bolts

  • Duration: The service is evergreen, with no formal closings, and investors simply participate in the deal flow after investment.
  • Diversification: The manager aims to provide between five and seven investments, although an investor can request more or less than this number.
  • Valuation: Updated quarterly following IPEV guidelines, and reviewed.



  • Fees: A combination of direct fees and company charges. The latter are not charged to AIM investments, while the annual fee is contingent, aligning fees with investors.
  • Performance fee: Charged at 20% on aggregate returns over 100% of subscription plus fees.



  • Target returns: The target of 2x invested capital, before fees, suggests a medium-to-high-risk investment strategy.
  • Companies: Supplying risk capital to companies that have revenue and are scaling up. There will be a spread of company returns, as the successful ones will do very well, but those that fail may do so completely.
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