
Tax Advantaged Services

Reviews and insight into tax advantaged products that enable advisers to advise their clients with confidence. This embraces SEIS, EIS, BR and VCT products.


What we do

Tax advantaged products are an increasingly important part of providing a diversified investment portfolio and for financial planning. There is growing demand from clients, and the government is clearly supportive of them.

Under MiFID II legislation introduced in early 2018, advisers are responsible for understanding the nature of the products they are offering. Our reviews are designed to help advisers recommend these products with confidence.

We work with providers of SEIS, EIS, VCT and BR products to produce independent reviews.

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Advising and investing with confidence

Product reviews

We write research reviews on funds and companies. Our reviews are detailed and unbiased, supported by unrivalled market sector experience and expertise

Support for advisers

We provide advisers with insight and support to advise their clients with confidence


We tailor panels of tax advantaged products to the nature of advisers’ business and client base

Product reviews

Our research is designed for three different audiences:

  • Product providers and managers – who help advisers meet their due diligence and compliance requirements by having a third party review.
  • Advisers – to help them select appropriate and suitable products for their clients, with confidence.
  • Investors – to help them make an informed and balanced investment decision.

We have an extensive team of investment professionals and market analysts that can offer unrivalled insight and expertise into all tax enhanced products.

Our focus is to assess each product for its investment merits, not only the associated tax reliefs.


Support for advisers

We use our wide experience across all market sectors to give insight and context to the investments that we review. Our insight and perspective enables advisers to speak with their clients on tax enhanced products with confidence.

We welcome questions from advisers and offer training workshops for teams of advisers and paraplanners.


Find out how we can help


Panels of tax-advantaged products offer several benefits to a firm of advisers.

  • We offer three levels of service ranging from completely bespoke, to a smaller adviser service, and straightforward access to reviews.
  • We provide real insight and expertise, saving you time and money.
  • We can provide updates during the year, so that you can be confident that the advice you are giving your clients is always up to date.
  • We can provide support and training to advisers as appropriate.

Talk to us about which service is right for your business.


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Bespoke Consultancy Services

Our service is designed to enable advisers to offer a superior outcome to their clients, whilst saving themselves both time and money.

The planning market is growing fast, and advisers need to keep abreast of changing products, to understand the levels of risk behind the underlying products, and the benefits of diversification in this market. It is also true that most advisers do not have the resources to monitor the market developments on a full-time basis.

This service from Hardman & Co provides real insight into specific cases, drawing on our expertise in assessing investment risk in this market. It adds a whole new layer of compliance reassurance.

It is a service that can be applied to both new cases, or to existing cases to review that they are still delivering what your clients need.


More information about our consultancy service

Here is an example of how our Bespoke Consultancy Service works for Business Relief.

Download our brochure

Private Company Valuations

It is essential that both advisers and investors feel confident about investing in EIS, but this will only happen if they feel that they are investing at ‘Fair Value’.

What this means is that there is an urgent need for valuations of private companies to be reconsidered. This is required to provide a realistic guide for transactions, to support portfolio reviews, and to restore investor confidence.

Hardman & Co has built up years of experience in undertaking private company valuations.

We are now using this experience to offer three different services to the EIS industry:

  • Primary valuations, where a completely new assessment of Fair Value is required
  • Secondary valuations, where a second opinion is prudent
  • Portfolio monitoring, for the proactive and regular monitoring of portfolio companies 

Please ask us for more information.


Hardman & Co instinctively understood our business, and how we added value to the companies we invest in.

Paul Atkinson, Partner

Par Equity LLP