
50: Venture capital portfolio diversification | Brian Moretta of Hardman & Co and guests

03 May 2022 / Podcast Tax Advantaged

By Dr Brian Moretta

Venture capital portfolio diversification | Brian Moretta of Hardman & Co and guests podcast

In a slightly different episode, the EIS Navigator host, Brian Moretta, talks about diversification, drawing strongly on excerpts from previous guests. Support is supplied by Tom Britton of SyndicateRoom, Sanjeev Gordhan who was then at Newable, Stephen Page of SFC Capital and Paul Tselentis of 24 Haymarket.

We start by talking about how venture capital differs from quoted equities and how this leads to a slightly different approach to diversification. In particular, the number of investments required is a lot more than people usually think. We also discuss how to get there, highlighting the differences between VCTs and EIS funds, showing that choosing them is a more balanced decision than might seem at first glance.

Diversification by stage, sector and over time are also discussed. Each matters when building a portfolio and there isn’t a shortcut to choosing several investments.

As this episode is a bit of an experiment, please let us know whether you love it or hate by emailing us at enquiries@hardmanandco.com.

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Asset allocation white paper

EIS Navigator episodes from which excerpts taken:

Tom Britton, SyndicateRoom

Sanjeev Gordhan, Newable

Stephen Page, SFC Capital

Paul Tselentis, 24Haymarket

SyndicateRoom Beating the Dragons white paper

Suggested book:

High Stakes, No Prisoners by Charles H. Ferguson

Brian Moretta is Head of Tax Enhanced Services at Hardman & Co. He is an actuary turned fund manager, who then moved into equity research, and has analysed many EIS funds, VCTs and companies, both listed and unquoted. He also has academic credentials, being an Honorary Fellow at Heriot-Watt University, where he does some occasional teaching. This has included teaching MSc students about, inter alia, Modern Portfolio Theory. He has always had a strong interest in getting underneath companies and understanding how they really work, and he finds venture capital fascinating. Some of this is because transparency is hard, some because the industry is not well understood – he is doing his best to change both of these. Brian Moretta is also host of the EIS Navigator podcast, and received Highly Commended at the 2021 EISA awards for the category Best Journalist or Advocate.


Please note this podcast/interview does not constitute a financial promotion and is provided for informational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation or offer to buy or sell any investments. Please be aware that investments into unquoted companies are high risk, long term and illiquid investments.  Your capital is at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.  Target returns are not guaranteed and forward looking statements are illustrative only and must not be relied upon. Investors should only invest on the basis of reading the full offer documentation. Listeners must make their own independent decisions and obtain their own independent advice regarding any information, projects, securities, tax treatment or financial instruments mentioned herein.